I recently purchased a small collection of 33 figures from Evilbay for the princely sum of £25 (incluing postage) which worked out at about 75p per figure - a lot cheaper than some plastics!
They are all old 54mm Marx figures (probably recasts) in three colours (tan, brown and grey) and although there are a few duplicates (easilty modified for the most part) there are a lot of single, individual figures.
The photo above shows a small selection of the figures.
Here's photos of them all showing a figure's rear view where there are duplicates:
Robbbers, masked and carrying their swag
A couple of cowboys (they have chaps)
Another pair of shooting figures
Yet more shooters
A couple of miners(imho), with a pouch of gold dust maybe ?
Two racnher types with branding irons
Two drawing pistols
A pair of masked riders (obligatory blurry photo)
A single armed rider
Four unique hunter/trapper types
Four individual miner types
A couple of townies in fighting poses
Finally, an Indiana Jones wannabe
I'm more than happy with these wonderfully detailed and proporioned figures - no larger than life guns etc.
I haven't spent my week merely opening a box of figures and taking photographs, I've been busily working on my next three buildings, making great inroads into finishing them. I guess I'm more than half-wy through the build, but carving bricks into foamboard takes a long time !
The photograph on the right shows an early stage in the build (I've done a lot more since it was taken).
I've used all the scrap from the previous build, but will need another A2 sheet of foamboard to cut out a roof about 7" x 6" as I don't have a bit of scrap big enough.
At the rate I'm going it should be finished by this time next week (fingers crossed) and a report on the build will of course follow its completion. I did miss a whole day due to an excursion (obvioulsy game related) and will report on this in a future post.
That's it then for this week, hopefully there was something here if interest.
Thanks for taking the time to visit and as always your comments are welcomed and appreciated.
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