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Best Upcoming Games for January 2011

First quarter 2011 is going to be an exciting time for us gamers.  A lot of the most anticipated titles for 2011 are coming out the first quarter.  Since there are so many great games coming out in that short amount of time, I'll break it down for you month by month.  That will give some breathing room to fully appreciate each title, and give you a glance at games you might have missed.  So lets get started with the best games coming out January 2011 in order of release date.

Platforms: PC, 360, PS3
Release Date: 1-4-2011
Publisher: Atari

Venetica has already been released in Europe in 2009 and overall has gotten some high praise from critics.  Most of them that did mark points off did so because of glitches that were patched later.  Others were disappointed because they were expecting the game to be something it's not.  For it's US release it's definitely flying under the radar, with no advertising or information on it.  It's worth checking out if you are interested in a light action RPG with a good story.  It's also nice that the game is being released with a lower price point $29.99 for PC and $39.99 for 360/PS3.

Lost in Shadow
Platform: Wii
Release Date: 1-4-2011
Publisher: Hudson Soft

Lost in Shadow is a 2D platform game with it's own unique style.  You play as a shadow of a boy traversing a large tower.  Being a shadow you're only able to interact with other shadows as you make your way through the game.  Thankfully you have a Spangle (a fairy like creature) to help you alter the light source moving the shadows around.  The game also has combat, puzzles, and some 3D elements to it.  If you have a Wii and are looking for something different it's worth a look.

Prinny 2: Dawn of Operation panties, Dood!
Platform: PSP
Release Date:  1-11-2011
Publisher: NIS America

Prinny 2 much like the first game is a 2D hack and slash platform game.  It's a spin off game from the Disgaea series, so if you're a fan of those games you'll be able to appreciate this one too.  With it's crazy humor it's not a game that takes itself seriously.  You play as a prinny (a demon exploding penguin) that serves Etna the current ruler of the underworld (just while Laharl sleeps).  Etna is in a fit of rage because someone stole her panties.  It's up to you and your 1,000 prinny buddies to get it back.  If you liked the first game you'll enjoy Prinny 2 even more.  It improves on the first game adding more of what you like and new features.

DC Universe Online
Platforms: PS3, PC
Release Date: 1-11-2011
Publisher: Sony Online Entertainment

DC Universe Online is an action MMO set in the DC world.  If your a fan of DC comics, movies, or characters this game is for you.  The game is full of fanservice; being able to fight with or against your favorite super heroes and villains is every fans dream.  If your not a fan of DC, but enjoy action MMO's, you might want to check this one out too.

 Kingdom Hearts Re:Coded
Platform: DS
Release Date:  1-11-2011
Publisher: Square Enix

 Kingdom Hearts Re:Coded is a remake/port of the mobile phone game Kingdom Hearts Coded.  The story takes place after the events of Kingdom Hearts 2, and is mainly episodic.  The story also ties in with the latest Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep.  If you're a fan of the series and have a DS you're more than likely going to pick this one up.  If you're not a fan of the series and own a DS you should check into it.  Kingdom Hearts is a quality RPG series that mixes together the worlds of Disney and Square Enix.

Mass Effect 2
Platform: PS3 (already released for 360/PC)
Release Date: 1-18-2011
Publisher: Electronic Arts

Mass Effect 2 is a sci-fi RPG action game that has received much praise and rave reviews. Although it didn't win the VGA's game of the year, I'm sure a lot of people consider this to be their GOTY.  If you're just getting into the series now would be a good time.  The PS3 version comes with an interactive comic that catches you up to speed from the events of the first game.  Even better, the decisions that you make in that comic help shape the events of the second game.  So if you haven't played the first game, no worries it'll be like you did.  The PS3 version also comes with all of the DLC for more bang for the buck.  Now PS3 owners can get ready for the highly anticipated Mass Effect 3 releasing Q4 2011.

LittleBigPlanet 2
Platform: PS3
Release Date: 1-18-2011
Publisher: Sony Computer Entertainment

The highly anticipated sequel to the innovative LittleBigPlanet series will be out in January.  Originally LBP2 had a release date of November 2010 and it got pushed back.  A lot of fans were disappointed hearing that news (myself included) but now the wait is almost over.  The game is shaping up really nicely going by the beta footage.  LBP2 has been called not a platform game, but a platform for games.  Just about any type of game you can think of is able to be created in LBP2.  Check out my Little Big Planet Beta Preview to see what I mean.

Platforms: 360, PS3
Release Date: 1-18-2011
Publisher: Square Enix

Mindjack is a 3rd person sci-fi multiplayer shooter.  Much like Demon's Souls the single player and multiplayer experience are seamlessly mixed together.  In Mindjack your able to hack into someone's mind and take control of them.  Not just people either, your also able to hack into robots, animals with guns, and bosses.  If your interesting in finding out more, check out the Mindjack is like a Sci-Fi Demon's Souls article I did recently.

 Plants vs Zombies
 Platform: DS
Release Date: 1-18-2011
Publisher: PopCap games

Get ready to soil your plants!  Literally, because your plants are the only things keeping you safe from a zombie invasion.  This is a very fun and imaginative tower defense game of sorts that doesn't take itself too seriously.  Some of the craziest types of zombies you can imagine are in this game like: the zombie bobsled team, dolphin rider zombie, and pogo zombie.  This game has already been released previously on PC, iPhone, iPad, and Xbox Live.  Now you lucky DS owners get to have all the zombie fun you can handle this January. 

Dead Space 2
Platforms: PC, 360, PS3 
Release Date: 1-25-2011
Publisher: Electronic Arts

Dead Space 2 is a survival horror 3rd person shooter set in outer space.  The survival horror genre has been a bit stale lately.  Most of them now play more like action games, and aren't very scary.  The first Dead Space really surprised me and turned out to be a great game.  It had good atmosphere for a horror game, it kept me on edge.  I wasn't sure when or how many Necromorphs were going to jump out at me.  I got the chance to play the multiplayer in Dead Space 2, and it's a nice addition.  Being able to control the Necromorphs and stalking my prey was good fun.  If your looking for a survival horror game in January this is it.

Two Worlds 2
Platforms: PC, 360, PS3
Release Date: 1-25-2011
Publisher: SouthPeak Interactive

If your craving an open world fantasy RPG, and you just can't wait for Skyrim, you might want to check out Two Worlds 2.  I know what you might be thinking "no thanks, the first Two Worlds sucked".  You'd be right too, the consensus on the first Two Worlds wasn't so great.  Don't worry though Two Worlds 2 is looking much improved.  It's already been released in Europe and has gotten good reviews.  If you like these types of games you owe it to yourself to at least look into it, you may be surprised.  As soon as I'm able to get a demo of TW2 I'll post impressions, until then check out this video.   

Lord of Arcana
Platform: PSP
Release Date: 1-25-2011
Publisher: Square Enix

This game to me seems like a more crazy Square Enix version of Monster Hunter.  I got a chance to play the Japanese demo and I enjoyed it.  You can play online with up to 3 other players, and battle mythical beasts.  Your able to do flashy finishing blows and QTE during battle.  Your also able to fight and summon popular Square Enix monsters like Bahamut.  If your looking for a good action RPG for your PSP this January you might want to check this game out.

Sorcery for the PS3 Move is supposedly coming out in January as well.  I'll keep you updated on that, and any other big games coming out soon.  Well, that about does it for January.  I honestly don't know how I'm going to keep from going broke.  Especially when February and March aren't letting up on the amazing releases.    Be sure to check back next month for the upcoming games of February, it's even crazier than January.  What are some of your most anticipated games coming out in January?  Be sure to post them in the comments.

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