Being in a relationship with someone from another country can be really interesting as you’re entering a new world with new traditions, customs, superstitions and just everyday things done differently. It’s not only you that gets educated but also the other person can learn about your culture as well.
Aside from that, there could be a lot of friendly teasing involved too, especially if the person comes from a well-known culture that has a lot of stereotypes attached to it, say, Italian.
Image credits: sarahemollica
Husband and wife, Carlo Longo and Sarah Mollica, who are Italian and American respectively like to share harmless pranks and teasing of each ther on their joint TikTok account and they are getting millions of views.
More info: TikTok
#1 Breaking Spaghetti In Front Of My Italian Fiancé
The video begins with Sarah innocently asking how much spaghetti would be enough and then snaps them in half to the horror of Carlo. He is seemingly in disbelief of what he has just witnessed and is disgusted that he will have to eat it after. His first reaction is “Sarah, ma tu sei pazza!” which translates to “Sarah, you’re crazy!” In this video he is being really dramatic going as far as to say that breaking pasta is illegal in Italy. There is a reason why spaghetti shouldn’t be broken into small pieces. It’s because they should be eaten by wrapping the pasta on the fork and you will succeed in that only if you leave spaghetti long. What is more, eating it in this way is the least messy. You can watch the video by clicking here.

Image credits: Carlo and Sarah
Carlo Longo and Sarah Mollica are an international couple with the husband being Italian and the wife being American. They met for the first time in Italy while Sarah was visiting her relatives. It all started with a long distance relationship, then they’ve been engaged for a while and now the two of them are a married couple.
On their TikTok account @carloandsarah they have quite a following of 1.4 million. Their videos consist of pranks and people love their chemistry. The pranks are not one-sided although it seems that Sarah is more active with creating videos than Carlo.
#2 Telling My Italian Fiancé We Have Plans During The Euro 2020 Final
Italians are very passionate about their food and will fight you if you prepare it incorrectly, but their other passion is football, especially among men. Italy is a country with a rich football history, their teams are always among the elite ones and they are the most recent winners of the European championship. So when Sarah decided to prank Carlo and announced that they have plans for the evening when the finals were supposed to take place, he was quite dissatisfied. He couldn’t imagine himself missing such an important sporting event, though he worded it so nicely, “I love you so much, but, please, don’t ask me something like this, because there is the final of European [championship] that I talked to you about from the beginning of it and now you ask me to go out to visit your aunt, that I respect, but, please, there is the final.” You can watch the video by clicking here.

Image credits: Carlo and Sarah
#3 Telling My Italian Fiancé That I Want Pineapple On My Pizza
The debate whether pineapple belongs on pizza probably will never end. It is known that Italians condemned this kind of topping but turns out that Carlo isn’t one of them. In the video Sarah and Carlo are at an Italian restaurant and the woman asks her then fiancé what would happen if she would order some pizza with pineapple. Carlo has an unexpectedly calm reaction, he even admits that he’s tried it in America and it was not that bad, but explains that in Italy you don’t do such things. Even though the explanation is calm, it’s as dramatic as ever as the Italian says, “If you do something like so, I can’t continue to live here. If somebody knows that you are my fiancé and here you ask pineapple, I can’t live here.” You can watch the video by clicking here.

Image credits: Carlo and Sarah
The couple’s videos go viral on a regular basis, easily passing the one million mark. One of the most popular videos on their page is of Sarah seeing what Carlo’s reaction will be to her breaking spaghetti in half. That video was watched 75.3 million times. Some people were on Carlo’s side saying that it is indeed a crime and should not be done, others were just adoring the sweet interaction.
#4 Showing My Italian Fiancé The New Pasta Chip Trend
If you're on food TikTok then you most probably saw the trend of making pasta chips. Essentially, what you do is cook the pasta, put olive oil, cheese and then put it in the air fryer. The pasta supposedly comes out crispy and is a great snack. Sarah shows the TikTok video to her husband and his reaction is not disappointing. At first he just looks confused but when the air fryer part comes in Carlo is in disbelief that someone could fry the pasta. His jaw drop says it all. You can watch the video by clicking here.

Image credits: Carlo and Sarah
#5 Asking My Italian Fiancé For A Cappuccino After Lunch
There is no written rule that you cannot drink cappuccino after lunch but it is a habit that Italians have that they don’t break. One of the reasons that it is frowned upon to drink cappuccino at any other time of the day except for the morning is that this kind of coffee is quite heavy and is more of a calorie bomb with all the fat milk and sugar.
So when Sarah asks Carlo to make her a cappuccino and it’s past lunch time, the husband has difficulty finding words after such a request. The cherry on top is Sarah bringing coconut milk for him so he could make her coffee and then Carlo loses it, “Cappuccino with coconut milk? Already cappuccino after lunch is a freaking weird situation.”
You can watch the video by clicking here.

Image credits: Carlo and Sarah
Carlo and Sarah's relationship wasn't smooth-sailing as due to Covid restrictions they couldn’t see each other but at the end it turned out that this fairy tale had a happy ending because they persevered and love was triumphant as on June 12 they got married. So it seems that the pranks don’t bother Carlo that much and they are created for their own and the viewers enjoyment.
#6 Putting French Fries In Ice Cream In Front Of My Italian Fiancé
Another hilarious video that went viral with 9.2M views on the couple’s TikTok is of Sarah eating French fries with ice-cream. Granted, the ice-cream in her hands isn’t an Italian gelato but nevertheless, Carlo has a shocked expression on his face. And what indicates that he seriously doesn’t approve this is that this time, he is calling Sarah by her name when usuallyhe addresses her with an endearing ‘Angel’ or ‘Love.’ You can watch the video by clicking here.

Image credits: Carlo and Sarah
#7 Not Twirling My Spaghetti In Front Of My Italian Husband
The most recent video that the couple has put up was of a family dinner where the main dish was spaghetti. The video was posted just one day ago and it has already been viewed 15.9 million times and liked 2.1 million times. This time Sarah decided to see what reaction Carlo would have if she would eat spaghetti without twirling it around the fork and just picking it up as it is and slurping it. At first her husband doesn’t even notice but when he does, he is shaking his head and tries to explain that this is not how you eat spaghetti. Carlo asks, “But you never eat pasta, sorry?” He even apologizes to his family that they also had to witness such a sacrilegious way of eating this Italian dish. You can watch the video by clicking here.

Image credits: Carlo and Sarah
#8 Asking My Italian Fiancé What He Would Do If I Put Ketchup On My Pasta
One of the first videos of this series of breaking some stereotypical “rules” Italians follow was about putting ketchup on pasta. Pasta with ketchup is kind of on the same level as pineapples on pizza for Italians. Maybe because it is often associated with junk food or because it is seen as lower quality because there are no visible tomatoes there. Whatever the reason, when Sarah mentioned what would Carlo do if she would put ketchup on pasta, he dramatically turns around and has a face of disgust, “If you try to put ketchup on pasta, you will not eat for one year in my house.” You can watch the video by clicking here.

Image credits: Carlo and Sarah
Have you ever seen any of these videos? What are your reactions to them and do you feel Carlo’s pain? Upvote the prank that you liked the most and comment anything you would like in the comments!
#9 Telling Him I'm Gonna Leave The House With Wet Hair
Italians believe that if you go out with wet hair you will probably get sick, get a stiff neck or even indigestion. Clearly, Sarah knows this notion that Italians are convinced of and to tick off her then fiancé and now husband she says she’s not feeling like blow drying it,so she will just leave it to dry when they go out. Being the caring person that Carlo is, he disagrees and tries to convince Sarah that it’s a really bad idea as it could give her a fever or a headache. He hilariously mocks her, “Yes! Why? We go out, we get a fever, we get a headache! In particular in this situation. Why? Why no, why no?” You can watch the video by clicking here.

Image credits: Carlo and Sarah
#10 Telling My Italian Fiancé That I Am Going To Make Pasta Carbonara With Hot Dogs
When this video begins, you don’t expect any insidiousness as Sarah offers to make carbonara. Carlo is a little bit surprised but goes along with it. When the American is naming what ingredients she will use, she mentions hot dogs. Carlo is at a loss for words and is just able to utter, “Che che che che?” He jokes that he will call the police for such a violent crime and is standing his ground that carbonara with hot dogs will not be happening while they’re in Italy. You can watch the video by clicking here.

Image credits: Carlo and Sarah
#11 Telling My Italian Fiancé I'm Going To Make His Family Chickpea Pasta
Chickpea pasta is a gluten-free alternative to traditional pasta. Each serving has two times the protein, three times the fiber, and half the net carbs of traditional pasta. Sarah wanted to cook it for Carlo’s family but we get to know that he doesn’t want her preparing it. Carlo says that he bought that one especially for Sarah and not his family and that she is the only one who eats it. He further explains that Italians usually eat ‘normal’ pasta with the chickpeas separately on top and not integrated in the actual pasta itself. Sarah is determined to cook it and Carlo’s response is, “My love, you want that nobody eats today.” It doesn’t even matter that the brand of the pasta is Barilla. You can watch the video by clicking here.

Image credits: Carlo and Sarah
#12 Telling My Italian Fiancé I'm Going To Brush My Teeth In The Bidet
Bidets are pretty common in the Arab world, West Africa, southern European countries, like Italy. Every bathroom fixture has its own function and when Sarah says she will brush her teeth in the bidet, Carlo pulls her away from it. For Sarah it seems that the bidet has the same water as the sink, but the Italian disagrees and threatens Sarah, “I won’t kiss you again.” You can watch the video by clicking here.

Image credits: Carlo and Sarah
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