Singer Rahul Vaidya and actress Disha Parmar, who tied the knot on Friday, danced together later that night at their reception party. Aly Goni and Jasmin Bhasin, both Bigg Boss 14 contestants and popular couple, attended the wedding reception. Amongst the celebs included Khatron Ke Khiladi 11 participants and actors Arjun Bijlani, Shweta Tiwari, Vishal Aditya Singh, Sana Makbul, and Anushka Sen were in attendance.
For their performance, Rahul Vaidya chose a white and black suit, while Disha Parmar wore a shimmery saree. Mika Singh was the star performer who crooned some hits at the ceremony as the guests dance to the beats of his music.
Rahul Vaidya and Disha Parmar did their first dance together and the videos and photos were shared by their official photographer.
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After their wedding on Friday, the newlywed couple spoke to the press. Rahul Vaidya shared a hilarious storey of how his own cousin tricked him during the joota chupai rite. “Normally, love stories are quite personal, but I am overjoyed that our love storey has touched so many individuals from all over the country and even the world. Everywhere I go now, everybody takes a photo with me says, ‘Please give our regards to Disha.’ People celebrating our love story as if it were their own are a blessing. "I don't think there's anything else I can ask for,” said Rahul.
Disha Parmar, when asked about her husband, remarked, “Rahul is a dashing dulha, and I consider myself fortunate to be his wife. Every girl dreams of getting married one day, and I am overjoyed that mine has finally arrived.”
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