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Alternate Cut Review: 'Suicide Squad- Extended Cut'

Nominated For: Best Makeup and Hairstyling.
Won: Best Makeup and Hairstyling.

Suicide Squad was just as controversial as, if not more divisive than Batman v Superman: Dawn of JusticeMany fans were stoked because of the killer marketing material and incredibly-cut trailers but let down that a lot of the coolest moments from the trailers didn't show up in the finished film. Then it was reported that supposedly Warner Bros. hijacked the production in post-production giving creative control to the trailer company that cut the Suicide Squad trailers rather than David Ayer in response to the split reaction to BvS
Fans then hoped to hear about a director's cut similar to the Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice- Ultimate Edition or at least a version with more footage and fans had their prayers answered in October when the Suicide Squad- Extended Cut was announced for a release in November on Digital and on Blu-Ray in December. I think I was a little too forgiving of Suicide Squad's shortcomings when I first saw and reviewed it so I've gone back and changed my initial score a little and I've just recently made time to watch the Extended Cut that sticks an additional fourteen minutes on the runtime so here are my thoughts on the Extended Cut and if the extra footage makes any difference whatsoever.

Theatrical Cut Review- Suicide Squad Review

"Extended Edition" Review- If you're looking for Suicide Squad's Extended Cut to fill in plot-holes and repair some of the theatrical cut's flaws ala the BvS-Ultimate Edition, then you will likely be very disappointed with it. This alternative version of the film plays out almost exactly like the theatrical version, just with the deleted scenes stitched back in. That's not to say it didn't slightly improve the film because I did find some refinements in terms of the characters. Most of the footage added back into the film is interactions amongst the squad and some more character drama. Both go a long way to further fleshing the characters out beyond what we saw in theaters last August and make the squad feel like a more tightly knit group as you see more of their bonding over the course of their journey. I also think I saw some additional footage for the film's main action set pieces and the additional footage definitely makes these scenes feel more substantial but they're no more memorable. 
If you're interested in the Extended Edition for more footage of Jared Leto's Joker, you'll find probably about a minute or two more but not much and it will do little to change your mind on his performance. I still feel he nails the insanity of the character but also think Jared Leto was just a little too weird with certain mannerisms as he would occasionally snort like some kind of hog and that's just not very Joker-like in my mind. 
The enchantress still looks stupid dancing around and none of the effects look all that different. I personally didn't really like the CGI in this, and I say that because I'm not sure if I included that in my theatrical cut review or not. 
The other performances and cast still shine as a beacon of hope nailing their respective characters (If you really want more detail on that just head over to my theatrical review linked above). One noticeable difference I really liked about Harley Quinn in particular was that there's some dialogue of her inner psychiatrist diagnosing some of her squad members as I felt that was very true to the character and something that almost flew out the window in the initial cut, a minor addition but a welcome one. 
Any character you felt was underserved in the theatrical cut gets some additional footage with the exception of Slipknot and Batman & Flash's cameos but don't expect any significant alterations. 
Overall, the extra footage goes a little ways towards improving the film for me personally. I can say that I liked the additional character-driven scenes and seeing more interactions amongst the squad that make their chemistry feel more authentic later on down the line but didn't find it to significantly change my opinion on anything. If you liked the theatrical cut you'll find more to love here, if you disliked it this won't be enough to change your mind.

Film Assessment: C+

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