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Update: Kanye Vs. Kimmel

Kanye West joined Jimmy Kimmel on his Late night talk show to discuss the feud between both of them.  It all started when Jimmy performed a skit impresinating KanyeJimmy explained where he was coming from with the skit as a comedian, it was entertainment. He also assured Kanye, that he always had his back saying he defended him while said he was an asshole because he knew him on a more personal level, like how he flew out to a family friend's wedding.  He continued by saying Kanye brings much of his drama lately on himself.  Kanye responded about where he was coming from with the Twitter attack. He said he may have taken out his anger about all the sh*t talking tabloid writers and paparazzi he doesn't know, and put it on Jimmy in that moment. Kanye also spoke at length about everything  bothering him lately.