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The Craftsmen's Dinner

On Monday night I got to tick one thing off my bucket list. Something that made me feel all happy inside and also really appreciate what blogging has allowed me to do.

Alot of blogger specific events are now during the day, however for us non full time bloggers, this isn't an option. Usually I have to turn down and that's the end of that. The Balvenie were having a blogger event for their new YouTube film series called The Craftsmen's Dinner, I of course said no, however this time I got a little mail back asking, well if I can't make that, would I like to come to the Press launch at Roux at Parliament Square.. The National Press and you know, me. 

Oh and I got an interview slot with Michel Roux Jr. Bucket list, big tick.

The Balvenie whisky and Michel Roux Jr have teamed up to create a YouTube film series called The Craftsmen's Dinner, which see's Michel visit exceptionally skilled individuals in various professions that will enable him to create the ultimate dinner.

These are Ferraby Knives, one of the last people to create knives by hand in a forge. Grierson Organic who produce one of the most amazing beef in the whole of the UK. North Street Potters, where stunning pottery is made including beautiful bowls and plates. Ridgeview Wines who produce exceptional English sparkling wine, which I can tell you know was fantastic. Finally there is Hansen and Lyderson who produce smoked salmon by singing to it and playing the piano! I kid you not. 

All of these people are truly talented at what they do, and Michel Roux Jr brings them together to use their skills to create the perfect dinner.

Interviewing Michel was an absolute pleasure, but also a little nerve-wracking as well, as he is one of the best chef's around. However he is so down to earth and generally so lovely, and also very charming.

I asked him about the film series but also about what advice he would give to women wanting to enter the male dominated world of the professional chef. I want to type up the interview separately, however one thing I will tell you know, is he said just go for it. He said if anyone says no to you because you are a woman, then just walk away and find someone who will listen.

After my interview slot, the room started to fill up with press for the launch of the film series.

I got to see first hand some of the Craftsmen's work, including the Ferraby knives which are stunning and a work of art. 

Then of course we had Michel himself speak about the series, with each of the Craftsmen coming up and speaking.

If I've ever felt in awe of someone it was now. These people are at the top of their game.

And of course we got to try some The Balvenie whiskey. The 17 year was my favourite. While I'm not going to describe it to you in words such as note of... because what does it really mean to you and I? What I will say is that if you ever have that whiskey burn, this does not do that, and to me that's what I look for more.

One of the craftsmen, Grierson Organic produce the most amazing beef. It was incredible, and I could of eaten this beef and mash all day. Ok so it was also a Michel Roux Jr dish, so really I was just eating perfection really.

The film series has launched now, with a new one on YouTube every fortnight. I'd really recommend watching the first film, above, as it's just incredible. It's all about the knives, and let me tell you, it's made me want to forge something! I mean that might not be such a good idea personally as I tend to break stuff. But still.... The thought was there. And it has made me want to become better at my game, so that's what matters really. 

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