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Sparkly Pink Ombré Chevron Nail Art

Today is the turn of girly pink ombré nails with some added chevron sparkle! If you want to find out how I created these nails keep reading...

Ombré Chevron Nail Art

Sparkly Chevron Nail Art

To create this nail look I used Models Own 'Coconut Cream' and 'Sun Hat', Illamasqua 'Trilliant' and Rimmel  'Ultra Violet'. I also topped my nails with Seche Vite fast drying top coat (which is AMAZING if you haven't tried it).

I began by painting my nails in a base of white just to create a blank canvas on the nails and make the ombré more vibrant. Then taking my pink and purple polishes onto a small makeup sponge I created the ombré design on all nails. I then applied a top coat just to speed up the drying process.
To create the sparkly chevrons I used some nail vinyls which I got here. Once my nails were completely dry I pressed three of the chevron vinyls onto my ring and index fingers and painted the champagne glitter over the top. Before this dried, I quickly removed the vinyls to reveal the girly design.
Finally to add even more sparkle, I placed a gem on each of the remaining nails and added a top coat to seal them into place. I didn't add a top coat to the ring and index finger and I love the textured glitter finish.

Sparkly Pink Nail Art

Glitter Nail Art

What do you think of this design? It might be a bit summery but I like to brighten up the winter months with my nails!

Happy Nail Art-ing! Sam xx

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