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Digit-al Dozen Does Nature, Day 3

Here we are at Day 3 of the Digit-al Dozen weekly challenge!  This month's theme is nature. I don't do too many mani's along these lines, so it's nice that there is a challenge that forces me to do something out of the norm! Here's what I came up with for Day 3!

Started with a base of Aly's Dream Polish #61 In Bleached; this is two coats, no top coat.  I know I've worn this before, but can't remember if I've shown it swatched; so here it is again!  

Decided to go with an earthy gradient; picked other Aly's Dream Polishes to use; I find they work well for gradients!  Unfortunately, they don't sponge on that well so did layering using a brush, but because of this, they don't fade into one another gradient wise.  This is Aly's Dream Polish #16, Deep Lime.

Lastly, added Aly's Dream Polish #9 Steel Blue.

Top coated with KBShimmer Clearly on Top.  

I did something that I had never completed successfully before here....if you look closely, you will see the heron faces both ways!  Have you ever had an image that you want to use on a particular finger (or thumb) but it doesn't face the right way; either because you want some variety in the same stamped image like I did here, or because an image looks better placed on your nails facing a particular way, but the transposed image doesn't exist? Even my last mani with the birds, in my mind when I was planning it, I wanted one image to face left, the next to face right; then alternate on the rest of the fingers but because not all the images fit on my nails size wise, had to just use whatever fit and too bad whatever way the birds were facing!  

Well, I thought there has to be a better way! So decided to double stamp the heron so it would be transposed so one image would face one way and the other, the opposite!  It took some trial and error with stampers and polishes and you have to be super fast but I did it!  So happy that I know now I can do this; will give more stamping options in the future!  This isn't a new technique; it's actually been around for a while, just I haven't had any success with it before!

Stamped using images from MoYou Suki Collection-09 and LS-21 using Mundo de Unas #2.


Mo-You Suki Collection-09

Topped with KBShimmer Clearly on Top to finish.

 There have been so many awesome mani's already this week by the ladies in the group; please be sure to check the links below to see what they came up with for Day 3 too! 

Thanks for looking!

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