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Bella Thorne smolders on the cover of Gay Times as she opens up about how her bisexuality has affected her career

Bella Thorne smolders of the cover of Gay Times' next issue.The red-head poses with a milkshake for the magazine, sharing a picture of the cover to Instagram on Friday. 
The 21-year-old, who came out as bisexual in 2016, talks about how her sexuality impacted her career in the publication, which is yet to go on sale. In a quote released by the magazine, Bella said: 'It seems like no one understands bisexuality at all. In this world it's like you're either gay or you're straight; there's no in between. If you f*cked a guy once, you must be gay.
'Like, what? No. That's just been fluid.'
Bella has previously admitted  to crushes on everyone from Demi Lovato, to Kristen Stewart and Camila Cabello. Bella admitted that she finds it easier to date men than women because she never knows if women are into her or not.
She explained: 'It's so hard. I can't tell if a girl is trying to be best friends with me or if she wants to get with me or if she just wants social media followers.

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