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Samantha Goes to San Diego: What's in My Suitcase

Hey all! Welcome back to le blog! Today I'm going to be showing you all what I packed for San Diego! I leave for beautiful California in one day (AAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!) and thought it'd be fun to show everything I packed! So let's jump right in!

So this is the suitcase I'm taking! I'm taking a carry-on, meaning I'm not checking a bag. So everything I'm bringing is fitting into this bad boy right here. I also get a 'personal item' which is like a backpack, tote, purse, camera bag, etc. I show you what I'm bringing in my carry on and my makeup, click here and here

Now let's get on to what's inside!

Here's an overview of everything inside!

Here is evvverything that I could pack into that suitcase. There are a few items that I haven't packed yet like my toothbrush, makeup, etc., because well I still need to use them before I go. I'll throw those items in the morning of my flight. 

I am going to San Diego, California for 5 days and 4 nights. We're going to be doing lots of walking so I wanted to be comfortable yet cute. Most of my outfits I can add sweaters or a kimono too if it's chilly in the morning and still not be too hot in the afternoon. 

I'm sticking to neutral based colors so black, white and navy. These are the easiest to mix and match with. For the most part we'll be doing lots of walking during the day so I made sure to pack outfits that were both functional and stylish. Rompers, flowy dresses and comfortable shorts and tees are my definite go tos. I'm also taking two maxi skirts, the blush pink one and then my regular black one. These will be good in the evening when I wanna dress up a little bit. I have about 8 casual outfits and 2 dressier ones. Everything I'm taking can be dressed up or dressed down, depending on what we are doing. Most of the outfits I've packed you've seen before on Instagram. I'm an outfit repeater #sorrynotsorry. 
So I don't really know what else to say other than this is all the clothes, accessories, etc., that I'm bringing.... Go follow me on Instagram to see my outfit of the days for the trip and to keep updated on all things Cali while I'm there! :) 

Till next time loves!

"overpack. that's why suitcases have wheels now"

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