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Give the PR stunts a rest lads, the jig is up!

I have stopped buying cheap magazines. The reason for this is not one word of what they publish is true. I'm sick of reading about how Jolie is leaving Pitt - guess what, they are still together!
So I picked up one yesterday and had a flick through! To see what was happening.
I came across a story which claims Mila Kunis and Justin Timberlake are an item. Based on no actual fact of course. But then I realised it stank of PR stunt.
PR companies like stars to act like they are in a relationship while they have a film to promote - and guess what, those two do! They are promoting/filming Friends with Benefits.
Does this trick even work anymore on the people reading this crap?
Do you get taken in by it?
Seriously! Everytime theres a film that looks like its so terrible it's going to need an extra boost - they roll out this one! You don't see the serious impressive films having to resort to getting co stars to pretend to fuck to get publicity!
Give it a rest!

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